Проживание на одном месте, Загородный отель в Подмосковье «Ареал» | отдых в парк-отеле в Московской области | официальный сайт

Проживание на одном месте

Duties of Visitors to the Wellness Center 5. We wish you to have a pleasant stay! Use the outdoor pool in adverse weather conditions; 9. Swim in beach showers using any shower products and soap solutions.

В отеле все очень приятно и продумано. В нем не огромная территория, но есть где прогуляться, причём природа очень красивая. Еда разнообразная, вкусная, указана калорийность.

Прекрасный зверинец. Хорошая анимация. Персонал приветливый. Мы используем их, чтобы сделать ваше пребывание на сайте более комфортным. Обратный звонок Написать на почту Telegram чат WhatsApp. Майские праздники.

Тариф «Всё включено». О компании. Корп клиентам. Частные праздники. Официальный сайт. Загородный Отель «Ареал». Территория комфорта и отличного настроения. Мероприятия Свадьбы. Дети лет:. Об отеле. Парк-отель «Ареал». Корпоративным клиентам. Наши преимущества. Близко к МКАД. Всего 17 км от Москвы по Горьковскому шоссе. Альпы в Подмосковье. Красивая и ухоженная территория в экологически чистом районе.

Индивидуальный подход к каждому Гостю. Качественное обслуживание в соответствии со стандартами. Разнообразное меню шведского стола. Вкусное и разнообразное питание в соответствии с пожеланиями Гостей. Лучшее соотношение цены и качества. Качественные услуги по привлекательной цене. Удобная инфраструктура. Конференц-залы, номера, спа-центр, рестораны находятся в одном здании.

Продлите майские праздники. Детский клуб, прокат, беседки на природе в аренду, СПА-комплекс, панорамный бассейн. Праздничный заезд с 28 апреля по 01 мая. Насыщенная программа анимации, все включено, СПА, бассейн. Номерной фонд. Номер «Стандарт». The hotel is obliged to provide accommodation in a place convenient for viewing and provide, upon the first request of guests, full information about the services provided by the Hotel, the form and procedure for their payment.

The hotel is obliged to ensure that each room contains information on the rules of residence and rules for using hotel services at the Hotel. The hotel ensures full compliance with the quality of the services offered to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The hotel provides guests with the following services at no extra charge:. The Hotel has the right to replace the room provided to the Guest in the Hotel if it becomes necessary to carry out emergency repair, sanitary-epidemiological and other measures in the room occupied by the Guest aimed at eliminating the reasons that threaten or impede their normal high-quality and safe use.

The Hotel has the right to refuse the Guest to provide accommodation services and to evict the Guest from the Hotel in cases of violation of these Rules, late payment for accommodation and additional services provided, manifestations of aggression by the Guest against the staff and other Guests or actions that threaten health safety or property of others. In case of gross violation by the Guest of these Rules, the Hotel has the right, if necessary, to call employees of the competent authorities.

The Hotel ensures the confidentiality of information about the Hotel Guests. The hotel undertakes not to hold noisy events after and before , with the exception of pre-agreed holidays and entertainment programs.

The hotel has the right to make changes to these Rules. Procedure for the settlement of claims. Limitation of Liability 6. The relations between the Guest and the Hotel for the provision of services to the Guest in accordance with these Rules are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The book of reviews and suggestions is located at the receptionist of the Reception and Accommodation Department of Guests and is issued at the first request of the Guest.

In the event of any controversial issues regarding the quality of service, both parties should strive to resolve the issue on the spot.

If the problem cannot be resolved on the spot, the Guest must state their claims in writing with the name and surname. Guest, contact information and send them to the address: , Sochi, post office No.

Failure to comply with this condition may serve as a basis for full or partial refusal to satisfy the claim. The Hotel is not responsible for the health of the Guest in the event that he consumes food and drinks purchased outside the Hotel, as well as in the event of harm to the Guest due to the fault of third parties or the Guest himself.

When third parties provide services on the territory of the Hotel, all claims regarding the quality of these services are presented by the Guest to third parties. The Guest is responsible for providing the Hotel with false and inaccurate information. The risk of the consequences of providing such information in full is borne by the Guest. Guests and persons invited by them are responsible for the loss and damage to the property of the Hotel provided at the time of the provision of services, and are obliged to compensate for the damage in case of its causing.

The hotel is not liable to the Guest for consequential damages. The hotel is not liable to the Guest for improper performance or non-performance of its duties as a result of force majeure force majeure. To store valuables, the Guest is advised to use an individual electronic safe in the room or deposit boxes at the reception desk. The Hotel is not liable for the loss of money, other currency values, securities, bank and telephone cards, jewelry, jewelry and other precious things not transferred to the Hotel for storage.

Responsibility for the life and health of minor children during their stay at the Hotel, staying in the adjacent territory is borne by their parents or other legal representatives. In case of failure to comply with these Rules and the occurrence of negative consequences in relation to minors, the administration of the Hotel is not responsible for their life and health. All disputes arising between the Guest and the Hotel are preferably resolved through negotiations.

The claim procedure for resolving disputes is mandatory. Unsettled disputes shall be resolved in court at the place of execution of this agreement specified in clause 1. Procedure for the provision of laundry and dry cleaning services 7.

The procedure for cleaning rooms 8. Rooms are cleaned daily from to Bed linen in the rooms of the first category is changed once every three days or at the request of the Guest, in the rooms of the category "Junior Suite", "Suite", "Suite" - daily. If additional cleaning is required human biological wastes, blood , cleaning is carried out for an additional fee according to the price list.

Fire safety rules 9. The guest is obliged to comply with the fire safety rules provided by Appendix No. Additional information The guest is informed and agrees that in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 14, N "On approval of the requirements for anti-terrorist safety of hotels and other accommodation facilities and the form of a security passport for these facilities", the Hotel conducts video surveillance The video surveillance system is equipped with sound recording facilities.

The things left by the Guest in the room to be vacated upon the expiration of the paid period of stay are placed by the Hotel in storage in a storage room or other room suitable for these purposes, with the consumer being charged with all costs for their maintenance.

Placement of things for storage is carried out by the administration of the Hotel in the presence of employees of the Security Department of the Hotel.

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The guest is notified of the upcoming event, provided that the Hotel Administration has information about its location. Things forgotten or lost at the Hotel are kept in the Lost-and-Found section. Especially valuable items money, documents, credit cards, mobile phones, digital gadgets, jewelry are stored for six months.

The rest of the items are stored for three months. The hotel does not store underwear, socks, stockings, tights, personal hygiene items, cosmetics, food, drinks.

Shipping and handling costs for lost or forgotten items are the responsibility of the owner. Appendices: Appendix No. Appendix No. General Provisions 1. Technical breaks are provided from to and from to The opening hours of the kids club can be changed by the Hotel without prior notice to the Guests. Children under 6 years old can visit the kids club only if accompanied by a parent legal representative. For the Guests of the Hotel, the kids club is a free service. Rates are provided to the Guest at the reception desk of the Hotel.

The admission to the kids club is a receipt for visiting the kids club. The parent legal representative undertakes to inform the Animator about all possible problems of the child in order to avoid unsafe situations with the child and other children: diseases, behavioral features, habits, etc.

The animator has the right not to accept a child with obvious signs of colds or infectious diseases, in case of obvious inappropriate behavior of the child. The decision to admit children with disabilities or developmental disabilities to the kids club is made directly by the Animator.

It is prohibited to bring piercing and cutting and other objects that can cause injury to the kids club, as well as carry-on luggage, food in particular, sweets: ice cream, chewing gum, candy, etc.

The animator does not change diapers or bathing children. When visiting the kids club, you must have socks. The presence of a child in outdoor shoes or with bare feet is prohibited. When visiting the kids club, a child under 3 years old must be in diapers. The amount of damage is determined on the basis of the accounting data on the date of the damage.

It is forbidden to visit the kids club with animals, birds, insects. The kids club animator reserves the right to deny access to the kids club to persons who do not meet the above requirements.

Responsibility: 2.


The hotel is responsible for the correct completion by the parents legal representatives of the Hotel Kids Club Visitor Log. Parents legal representatives of a minor are responsible for providing the Hotel with false and inaccurate information.

The Guest bears the risk of consequences of providing such information in full. Before using the rides, you must make sure that they are in good working order and that there are no foreign objects. It is prohibited to violate the generally accepted rules of public order, norms of behavior in public places.

Children must not be left unattended. Parents or their authorized persons are obliged to supervise children, control their movement and access to attractions. Smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Walking on flower beds, lawns and fenced areas, climbing trees, park objects, fences, outdoor lighting poles and other structures is prohibited.

It is prohibited to cause any material damage to property located on the site. Please make sure the surface is at a comfortable temperature before sliding.

For children under the age of 14 who find themselves on the territory of the playground, their legal representatives are personally responsible. The Guest gives the clothes items to the Hotel for the services. The Guest must fill out the Order Form for laundry and dry cleaning. National standard of the Russian Federation.

Household services. Dry cleaning. General technical conditions " approved and put into effect by the Order of Gosstandart of Laundry service. All rooms in our hotel are equipped with an automatic power supply system. When leaving the room, you must take out the key card from the card reader. All power supply to the room will automatically turn off in a few seconds. We kindly ask you not to insert any foreign objects, including bank plastic cards into the card reader - this will lead to demagnetization of your bank card, damage to the card reader and power outage in your room.

Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas marked with appropriate signs. It is prohibited to make changes to the electrical circuit in places of residence and rest, to install additional sockets and lamps, to use personal electric heating devices including boilers, electric kettles, electric stoves, multicooker, microwave oven, electric irons, etc.

We remind you that it is prohibited to cover the switched on floor lamps and table lamps with objects and materials. When leaving the room, make sure that all electrical appliances are off. It is prohibited to store flammable liquids, flammable gases, explosives in places of rest and residence. It is prohibited to make fires in the entire territory of the Hotel, as well as outside the territory of the Hotel in unidentified places.

It is prohibited to use defective electrical appliances, damaged electrical outlets.

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If you arrive at the hotel for the first time, try to remember well the location of exits and stairs, familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan and the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment. If you detect a fire or signs of burning smoke, burning smell, etc. If you find a fire or signs of burning smoke, burning smell, etc.

These rules are mandatory for all visitors without exception, who are on the beach of Bogatyr Group of Companies of Sochi-Park JSC hereinafter referred to as the beach, beach area and establish the procedure for servicing rendering services of Beach visitors, mandatory requirements for visitors safety, hygiene and other requirements, rights, duties and limits of responsibility of the administration and visitors, terms of sale and provision of additional services, prohibitions on visiting the beach, rules for visiting the beach by minors, rules for using changing rooms and showers, requirements and recommendations for the use of swimming suits -mov, rules of conduct on water bodies, the procedure for providing visitors with first aid, as well as the procedure for visitors to act in case of emergencies.

Location of the beach area: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Adler District, coastal zone of the Imeretinskaya Lowland in the interfluve of the Mzymta and Psou rivers, length m. The right of Sochi-Park JSC to the beach area is confirmed by the contract of free-of-charge urgent use of real estate state property of the Krasnodar Territory No. The persons using the beach services are obliged to familiarize themselves with these Rules before using the beach services.

When an organized group of people visits the beach, the responsibility for compliance with these rules by all members of the group, including the group leader. The rules are not a public contract or a public offer and are aimed at obtaining comprehensive information about the service provided, ensuring the safety of the service. The rules for visiting the beach are drawn up in accordance with the regulatory requirements of legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Rules for using beach services 2. The beach is open to the public from to in the summer. Guests have the right to be on the beach only during the established opening hours. Swimming at night is not allowed when the medical and rescue service ends. Swimming in the sea is permitted with the yellow flag raised on the signal mast.

Beach guests can use a specially designated swimming area for children and those who cannot swim. Guests of the Bogatyr Group of Companies receive beach equipment umbrella, sun lounger, a place in the aerarium without payment by presenting a guest card at the beach reception desk.

7 Дней в Открытом Море

Beach guests who are not staying at the hotel pay for the services according to the price list and receive a bracelet, which they must wear on their wrist and present it to the beach employee at the first request. Transfer of the bracelet to other visitors is prohibited. In order to ensure public safety and prevent terrorist attacks on the beach, video surveillance is carried out throughout the beach with the exception of changing cabins and bathrooms.

The administration has the right to terminate the provision of beach services restrict visitor access, organize a mandatory exit for visitors from the beach, etc. It is prohibited for the beach visitors to do the following: 3. Swim in a storm of more than two points when black ball is displayed on the signal mast, when information signs with a corresponding sign prohibit swimming, when weather conditions change, and the rescue service warns guests about any emergency.

Swim behind the buoys enclosing the swimming area. Located on the beach topless. Be on the beach with animals; let them swim in the sea. Smoking on the beach. Leaving children unattended in danger. Allowing children under 14 unattended in the beach without an accompanying adult. Drink alcohol and swim in the sea while intoxicated.

Swim in beach showers using any shower products and soap solutions. To contaminate the sea and the coast. Swim at night. Place wheeled vehicles on the beach. Advertising, commercial, trade activities not coordinated with the administration are prohibited. Jump into the water from the pier, parapet, viewing platform, rocks, stones and other objects; 3. Swim on an unequipped beach; 3.

Dive and dive under water on a holding breath, as well as dive with the capture of the swimmers underwater; 3. Dive using self-contained breathing apparatus, engage in underwater hunting in places not intended for these purposes; 3.

Visit the beach with open wounds, infectious, skin and other types of diseases that may pose a threat to the health of other visitors; 3. Enter any technical and service premises, equipped with a sign "No entry" or "Service room"; 3.

Hand-selling food, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, as well as bringing and consuming your own food. It is forbidden to swim close to ships, boats, boats, jet skis. A current arises near a vessel in progress, which can tighten under the propeller. It is forbidden to swim under the swimmers, "drown", give false signals for help. Rough games on the water are not allowed. The movement of bicycles and motor vehicles. Violate the fire safety requirements established by law.

Bring to the beach firearms, gas, pneumatic and cold weapons, piercing and cutting objects, as well as explosive and flammable substances. Violate the rules of conduct on the water.

Ignore the requirements of the medical and rescue services. Obligations of beach visitors: 4. Observe the rules of conduct on the water. Listen to the demands of rescuers and medical personnel. In case of unforeseen, emergencies or emergency situations, including in adverse weather conditions, immediately leave the beach. If you find items left unattended, do not touch, open, do not move the discovered items, immediately inform any beach employee about them.

Prevent damage to beach equipment and property. Do not use rescue equipment for other purposes. Inform the rescuer and medical staff if you feel unwell. Comply with the requirements of lifeguards and beach administrators regarding safety, order and cleanliness.

Rights of beach visitors 5. If any dispute arises regarding the provision of services, the guest has the right to contact the responsible beach employees. If you are injured or feel unwell, get qualified first aid at the beach medical center for free. In case of theft, damage to property or loss of loved ones, guests of the beach can contact the security officer.

Beach guests have the right to use the entire infrastructure of the equipped beach changing cabins, bathrooms, rescue and medical services free of charge. Use the services of a safe beach video surveillance system, equipped security post, emergency calls. Receive information about the state of the weather, rules of behavior on the beach, beach services, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, announcements over the speakerphone in case of emergency loss of a child, relative, change in weather conditions, etc.

Get paid leisure services Entertainment and recreation system ; 5. Follow the general recommendations for staying on the beach: 5. Do not swim in the sea for too long no more than minutes. This can lead to chills as well as muscle cramps.

Cautiously swim on air mattresses, circles, etc. The wind or current can carry them far from the shore, overflow with water, they may slip out of hands due to wave, air can escape from them which can lead to loss of buoyancy.

After prolonged exposure to the sun, enter the water gradually so that the body gets used to the cool water, while wiping the heart area with water. After eating, swim no earlier than an hour later. During swimming, do not make unnecessary movements, do not keep your muscles in constant tension, do not break the rhythm of breathing, do not overtense yourself.

Swimming children in the sea, in a sector fenced with a float walkway with a maximum depth of 1. Drink plenty of water. Monitor sun exposure to avoid heatstroke. Wear a hat. Rights and obligations of the beach administration 6. Do not allow persons violating public order, persons with signs of alcohol or drugs intoxication, interfering with the rest of other visitors and posing a danger to them on the beach.

Remove persons who refuse to comply with these Rules from the beach. Provide beach visitors with services that meet the requirements of regulatory enactments of the Russian Federation and the provisions of these Rules. Recommendations for preventing the spread and prevention of coronavirus infection COVID while on the beach.

The beach visitor is recommended: 7. Follow the rules of personal hygiene hand hygiene, sneezing and coughing etiquette. Eliminate or minimize the joint stay on the beach area with other guests at a distance of less than two meters social distance. If you feel unwell, fever and observe other signs of an infectious disease, contact the beach medical center. The relationship between the parties for the provision of services is governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties as a result of force majeure circumstances force majeure ; 8. For the health of the visitor in the case of consuming food and drinks purchased in places of unauthorized trade or from hands - for causing harm to the visitor of the beach through the fault of third parties or the visitor himself; 8.

For the safety of personal belongings; 8. In the event that a visitor to the beach swims behind the buoys and does not respond to the warning signals of the rescue service about the need to swim in the designated controlled area, as well as a possible threat to life and health.

When third parties provide services on the beach, all claims regarding the quality of these services are presented by the visitor to the third parties. Responsibility for the life and health of minors while they are on the beach area and the adjacent water area is borne by their parents or other legal representatives. These Rules are binding for all, without exception, Visitors who are on the territory of the Health Center.

The visitor is obliged to carefully read these Rules. When an organized group of persons visits the Wellness Center, the group leader is responsible for compliance with these rules by all members of the group. The Health Center Rules are drawn up in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the legal acts of the Russian Federation. The information stand also contains a list of services, a price list for the services provided, these Rules, a book of reviews and suggestions and other information necessary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

These Rules establish the procedure for servicing rendering services of the Visitors of the Health Center, the mandatory requirements of safety, hygiene and other requirements for the Visitors, rights, obligations and limits of responsibility of the administration of the Health Center and Visitors, conditions for the provision and payment of services, prohibitions on visits The Health Center, the rules for visiting the Health Center by minors, as well as the procedure for Visitors in case of emergencies.

General rules for the use of services 2. The right to visit the Wellness Center is granted only to persons who have paid for the service, with the exception of visiting the outdoor swimming pool and gym, which are included in the cost of living.

Visitors are only allowed to enter the Wellness Center during the established opening hours, which are indicated at the entrance to the Wellness Center and at the Consumer Corner. Visitors are obliged to vacate the Wellness Center for the duration of its work, as well as for the period of technical breaks. The stay at the Wellness Center is monitored by the Wellness Center employee. The visitors shall not enter the Wellness Center 30 minutes before the end of its work and 15 minutes before the start of the established technical break.

The visitor must leave the Wellness Center at least 15 minutes before the end of his work or the start of a technical break. Visitors must respect each other and not interfere with the rest of other Visitors. In order to ensure the safety of Visitors, they are monitored by video throughout the entire territory of the Health Center with the exception of changing rooms and toilets.

In accordance with Art. Visitors must comply with the health, safety, order and cleanliness requirements of the Health Center staff. In case of unforeseen, emergency or emergency situations, including in unfavorable weather conditions, visitors are obliged to leave its territory at the request of the employee of the Health Center.

Visitors are prohibited from entering any technical and service premises that are equipped with a "Service Room" sign. Visitors who entered such premises are fully responsible for malfunctions and accidents that occurred in this area.

The number of chaise lounges, umbrellas, lockers for changing clothes provided free of charge is limited, therefore the administration does not accept claims about inconveniences associated with this.

On the territory of the Wellness Center, any advertising, trade, commercial activity not coordinated with the administration is prohibited. Visitors are prohibited from misusing furniture found throughout the Wellness Center. Wellness Center opening hours:. The administration has the right to suspend the work of the Health Center restrict the access of Visitors, organize a mandatory exit from the territory for Visitors, etc.

Ban on visits 3. Persons of all age categories have the right to visit the Wellness Center, except for the exceptions provided for by these Rules.


Visits to the Wellness Center are prohibited: 3. Persons suffering from infectious, acute viral, contagious skin and venereal, fungal diseases; open wounds and any other diseases that may pose a threat to the health of other visitors; 3. Persons suffering from cardiovascular, mental illness posing a threat to others , with urgent surgical pathology; 3. Persons with open, infectious wounds, aseptic dressings, suffering from furunculosis, conjunctivitis, helminthiasis; 3.

Persons in the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases; 3. Persons with a tendency to allergic reactions; 3. Persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication, as well as persons under the influence of narcotic, psychotropic or other intoxicating substances; 3. Persons whose behavior may pose a threat to order, safety, hygienic state of the Wellness Center or contradict the rules of conduct accepted in society; 3.

Persons with other ailments that pose a risk to personal health and safety, as well as to the health and safety of other visitors; 3. Persons under 14 years old inclusively, unaccompanied by adults. Visitors to the Wellness Center who violate the prohibitions specified in this clause are fully responsible for damage caused to their health, the health of other visitors and related material costs. If there is any suspicion that a visitor has a disease specified in this section, the Administration of the Health Center has the right to require the Visitor to contact the medical staff of the Hotel for the purpose of medical control, according to the results of which the Visitor may or may not be allowed to use the services of the Health Center.

Pets are not allowed in the Wellness Center. Procedure for booking and paying for services 4. The outdoor pool and gym are included in the rate and are not subject to additional charges. Payment for services is carried out according to the tariffs in force at the time of booking. The paid time confirms the right of the Visitor to use the services of the Wellness Center for the entire time in accordance with the paid tariff.

In case of an early exit from the territory of the Health Center, that is, in the case when the entire allotted time limit was not used by the Visitor, the money for the unused time is not refundable to the visitor. The checkout receipt and bracelet must be kept by the visitor until the end of the visit to the Wellness Center and the bracelet must be returned to the Wellness staff member.

Чем грозит проживание в квартире не по месту регистрации

The visitor is responsible for the safety and integrity of the bracelet. General rules of conduct for visitors on the territory 5. Prohibitions and restrictions for visitors to the Wellness Center: 5. Carry any glass products, including dishes, other dangerous items. Visitors are prohibited from using glass containers, dishes. The following is prohibited throughout the Health Center: smoking tobacco products cigarettes, cigars, cigars, cigarettes, hookahs, etc.

The use of non-smoking tobacco products by Visitors, that is, intended for sucking, chewing or sniffing, is prohibited throughout the Health Center. Visitors are not allowed to bring hookah products. It is prohibited to bring firearms, gas, pneumatic and cold weapons, piercing and cutting objects, as well as explosive and flammable, toxic and strongly smelling substances. Any kind of discrimination and disrespect due to differences in nationality, religion, age, social status or other grounds is strictly prohibited.

Visitors are prohibited from entering the decoration area. Visitors are prohibited from violating generally accepted norms of behavior morality and ethics. Visitors are prohibited from littering and violating the sanitary and hygienic state of the Wellness Center throwing away garbage, spitting on the floor, throwing gum, etc. Visitors are prohibited from using any vandal actions against equipment, property and plants.

Hotel Rules — Sochi Park® Hotel Bogatyr

Visitors are prohibited from using swimming pools, saunas in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic intoxication, or under the influence of psychotropic and other intoxicating substances. To avoid falls and injuries, visitors are prohibited from running, shouting, pushing, whistling, calling for help unnecessarily, misleading other visitors and staff.

Pregnant women should visit the sauna and hammam only after consulting a doctor. It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age. Pour water or other liquid onto electrical installations. Leave children unattended.

To use water bodies, saunas, hammam for persons with medical or other contraindications. Visitors are prohibited from ignoring the instructions on the depth of the pools, instructions and rules for the use of other infrastructure facilities of the Wellness Center in case of misunderstanding, you should contact an employee for clarification.

Use the pools For non-swimming visitors without a life jacket. The Administration is not responsible for the safety of such Visitors in the event of their violation of this Rule. Visitors are obliged to comply with other prohibitions restrictions provided for by these Rules. Duties of Visitors to the Wellness Center 5. Before visiting the Wellness Center, Visitors should assess their physical and swimming ability.