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La lingua di cui si vanta Amore. Novara: Interlinea [pp. In: O. Glazunova ed. Trento: Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, — A Journal of Social Imaginery, 7, — Vol 1.

I, — Del tradurre la poesia. Ceccherelli, G. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. In: Agnieszka Brockmann ed. Zima eds. Journal of the Short Story in English, 52, Spring , — London: Continuum, 1—10 [book article] Cordingley, Anthony. Germanica, 51, — Limoges: Editions Lambert Lucas, — URL: ariel. Essays Mainly on Poetry. URL: www. The problem of the prose selftranslation in Belarusian literature of XX century. Minsk [ pp. Glottopol, 25, 88— [journal article] [Borda] Doloughan, Fiona J.

A work in progress. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books. Theory and practice, 5, 69— Jate Press, — Online Translation Journal, In: Michael Robinson ed.

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London: Continuum, — Limoges: Editions Lambert Lucas, — Teoria Testo Traduzione [Trento], 2, 51— Paris: Classiques Garnier [book article] Ferrillo, Angelo. Glottopol, 25, — [journal article] Forster, Leonard. Princeton: Princeton University Press. History, Politics, and Art. Trier: Wissen-schaftlicher Verlag Trier.

Peter Lang. Chapter 5. Tran-Gervat ed. Published Paris: Classiques Garnier, 85— [book article] Gentes, Eva. In: T. Fries-Dieckmann eds. Berlin [u. Granqvist ed. In: Leena Kaunonen ed. Collegium Studies Across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, Volume 15, — Kremnitz zum Geburtstag, Wien: Praesens, — [book article] Grutman, Rainier.

London: Continuum, 63— West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, — Francke, 99— [book article] [Flusser] Guldin, Rainer. Philosophieren zwischen den Sprachen - Vilem Flussers Werk.

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In: Flusser Studies. London: Continuum, 95— Bruxelles: P. Translation in Francophone Contexts. Oxford University Press, 36— Wien: Ed. Lewiston, NY; Mellen, — Ince eds. Schreibweisen einer interkulturellen Moderne.

Comparatist Approaches to U. Southern Cultures.

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Separazioni e processi di integrazione nello spazio culturale slavo. Firenze University Press, — Ciberletras, 4. Il poeta Giorgio Asachi in Italia. Quo Vadis Romania? In: Violaine Houdart-Merot ed. The multilingualism of Constantijn Huygens Folia Germanica 5, 17— The Translingual Imagination. Switching Languages. Kellman, Steven G. Northwestern Univ Press. London: Continuum, — [book article] Kremnitz, Georg.

Mehrsprachigkeit in der Literatur. Aus der Sicht der Soziologie der Kommunikation. Paris: Classiques Garnier [book article] Lagomaggiore, Carlo.

Pollard eds. In: La Traduction: un art, une technique. Parole, parole, parole e altri saggi di linguistica generale.

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Bologna: il Mulino [ pp. Autoitzulpengintza euskal haur eta gazte literaturan. L Moniz eds. Jarilla eds. Timisoara: Editura Universitatii de Vest. Traduzires, 1, 1, 33— Golsan eds. Paratextual Elements in Translation. Axun Aierbe gogoan. La literatura vasca traducida. Especially chapters 3. Fernelmont : E. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series 2, — In: A. Per il centenario di Samuel Beckett, Testo a fronte, dir.

Riaudel eds. Nanterre, Presse Universitaire de Nanterre, 77— Oxford: Oxford University Press [ pp. Volume 1. In: Vincenzo Russo ed. Semestre , 53— In: Anthony Cordingley ed. London: Continuum, — [book article] [Beckett] Novosilzov, N. Pizti jendea: katuak, itzultzaileak eta idazleak. La traduction. See Carmargo, Diva Cardoso de. Penet—Astbury, Helen. Yvan Goll and Bilingual Poetry. Volume 72, 53— Rossini eds. Nardout-Lafarge eds. Revista de Estudios Gallegos [Madrid], 14, — Hores en blanc.

In: Juliane Prade ed. Russian language and literature in time and space. In: Olga Anokhina ed. Routledge, — [book article] [Premchand] Robaey, Jean. Caballero Alias, F. Ripoll Sintes eds. Bandia eds. Glottopol, 25, 47— San Pietrosburgo, Russia. Johann Strutz eds. Literaturas migrantes en Montreal y Nueva York. Dialogue transculturel dans le nouveau monde. Revista de Investigaciones Literarias y Culturales, 24, — IF Verso. Sebellin eds.

In: Su, Q. Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Kultur. Lyrik in zwei Sprachen — monolinguale Rezeption? Lyrik transkulturell. Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury. In: M. Nixon ed. Bulletin of Saratov University. StuНi linguistiМi. Zachau eds. Socialist — Dissenter — Jew. Stefan Heym. Sozialist — Dissident — Jude. Granada 12—14 de Febrero de URL: hrcak. Bloomington, Ind. Brussel: Asp Vub Press [ pp.

Gontarski ed. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Published on Devi] Vukolova V. Di Leo ed. German Intellectuals in New York. A Compendium on Exile after In: Ralf Zschachlitz ed. Review Alexandra Berlina, Brodsky translating Brodsky, cfr. Anderssprachigkeit in der Literatur. Translation and Authorship.

Bibliography self translation (27 -01.01.17)

Newsletter der Walter A. OНissea Нi masМhere. Issue 2. New York: Pantheon Books, — In: Kathleen M. Victorian Writer July—August , p. Los Angeles: Les Figues Press, 19— Flusser Studies, Dottorato di ricerca in Culture letterarie, filologiche, storiche, 28 Ciclo. PhD thesis, sous la dir. The Reinvention of the Original. PhD thesis. University Bergen, Norway.

Supervisor: Gisle Selnes. Sous la direction de Isabelle Rabut. Writing exile. Никакие прочие статусы типа реимпорта, реэкспорта, временного ввоза, транзита, беспошлинной торговли и прочих — в расчёт при анализе не берутся.

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Una giornata nelle bellissime spiagge di Misano Adriatico

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