Сайт отеля богатырь сочи, Early booking

Сайт отеля богатырь сочи

S: the park next to Bogatyr is a must, especially the Gorynych attraction. Все отзывы. Get paid leisure services Entertainment and recreation system ; 5.

Данный ресурс не является официальным сайтом отеля. Адрес отеля: Краснодарский край, г. Сочи, Олимпийский проспект, д. Адрес туристического холдинга Магазин Отдыха: Москва, ул.

Бауманская, д. Групповые заезды. Частным лицам: 8 Групповые заезды: 8 Написать в отдел групп. Найти номера. Что включено В проживание включен завтрак «Шведский стол», посещение бассейна, тренажерного зала и собственного оборудованного пляжа.

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СОЧИ: Обзор \

Номерной фонд. Номерной фонд представлен несколькими категориями номеров, разной вместительности и функциональности, которые удовлетворят потребности даже самых искушенных гостей. The visitor must go to the changing room and change clothes, if necessary, put things in the locker. Visitors are not recommended to leave documents, cash, payment cards, phones, keys, jewelry, jewelry, and other personal valuables in the lockers.

The administration is not responsible for things that were not picked up by the Visitors from the locker. The procedure for storing found and forgotten things is governed by the Rules of Residence and Use of Services at the Hotel.

Dressing and undressing outside the designated areas is prohibited. It is prohibited to store items and substances in lockers that are prohibited by these Rules. Visitors are prohibited from disassembling and untwisting taps and nozzles when visiting showers and toilets; break dispensers for soap, paper towels, toilet paper; take away any property. Rules of conduct in the pools 9. The territory of the pools belongs to the high-risk zone.

Visitors staying in this area are obliged to strictly follow the safety rules for using the pools. Visitors are required to comply with the requirements of the Wellness Center staff.

Visitors are required to follow the safety rules for being on the water. Parents and adult visitors accompanying children are obliged to monitor all actions of children, not to violate the rules for using the pools. Upon entering the pool, the Visitor is obliged to assess the degree of risk and possible consequences.

In cases where children violate the established rules and ignore the above restrictions, the accompanying adults are fully responsible for them. Before visiting the pools, the Visitor must take a shower; 9. Visitors are obliged to comply with the requirements and commands of the employees of the Wellness Center, respond to their signals and warnings.

Use the water body if prohibited by personnel or warning notices; 9. Use the outdoor pool in adverse weather conditions; 9. Litter the pool water, throw foreign objects into the pool, plug up special nozzles and nozzles, jump onto the grates of drain holes and gutters; 9.

Run, jump, make sudden movements, push other Visitors; 9. Jump and dive into the water from the sides, hold each other under water, hold your breath under water, shout, use acrobatic jumps; 9. Climb, walk and run along the sides of the pools; 9. Entering or exiting swimming pools in areas not designated for this; 9. Discharge human waste and undigested food debris into water bodies, use only a toilet for these purposes.

Pool information: 9. Information about the purpose, technical parameters, warnings and requirements, as well as types of hazardous effects are placed on information plates near the pools. The pools are supervised by the Wellness Center staff. The visitor is obliged to follow their instructions. Rules for visiting the sauna and hammam The entrance to the sauna is carried out strictly in bathing suits.

It is strictly forbidden to pour water or other substances onto the sauna stove. It is forbidden to bring aerosol liquids, food or drinks into the sauna. Visitors are not allowed to use brooms in saunas. It is not allowed to use the sauna for personal hygiene purposes shaving, washing personal items, etc. It is not allowed to use the sauna for drying towels and personal items.

Visitors are not allowed to leave towels and clothes in the saunas. When visiting the sauna, Visitors are prohibited from touching the metal parts of the equipment installed in the saunas. Visitors are prohibited from adjusting the appliances in the sauna rooms. Visitors are prohibited from applying creams, oils, scrubs and other cosmetic and medicinal products to the body in the sauna area, as well as using a variety of tinctures and extracts.

After visiting the sauna and before visiting the water zone, Visitors need to take a shower. Allocate waste and undigested human food residues in the rooms of saunas and hammam, use only a toilet for these purposes.

Rules for visiting the gym Providing the services of a gym, the Wellness Center is guided by the fact that the Visitor has no contraindications for physical education. The visitor is personally responsible for his health and medical care. Individuals who have reached the age of 14 are allowed to exercise independently in the gym. Classes in the gym are allowed only in clean sports shoes, it is recommended to use comfortable closed shoes with rubber and non-slip soles.

After completing the exercises, the practitioner is obliged to remove the sports equipment used by him dumbbells, rugs, etc. Treadmills are equipped with "safety cords", fasten yourself before starting an exercise to stop the movement of the treadmill.

At the beginning of a treadmill workout, stand on the stands at the edges of the walking belt, set the minimum speed, and begin the workout after the belt is in motion. Do not get off the simulator until the belt stops completely. It is necessary to ensure that long and loose parts of clothing, laces, towels do not fall on the moving parts of the simulators.

In case of breakage or damage to sports equipment, you must stop classes and inform the administrator about it. Continue classes only after troubleshooting or replacement of sports equipment inventory. It is prohibited in the gym: Use shoes with leather soles, with spikes, train barefoot or in open shoes; Run, jump, or distract the attention of those engaged in other ways; Start classes in the gym with unhealed injuries and general malaise.

If you feel unwell during classes, you must stop training and inform the administrator about it; Touch the moving parts of simulator block devices; Putting bottles of water on exercise equipment connected to the mains; Exercise with a naked torso; Store items and food in training areas.

Responsibility for violation of the rules In case of loss or damage to property due to the fault of the Visitor, he is obliged to compensate for the damage caused, as well as to bear responsibility for other violations committed by him in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

For damage caused by minors and persons with disabilities, their parents or other legal representatives are responsible.

Parents, guardians or other accompanying minors who are full-year-olds are responsible for familiarizing the minors who have arrived with them with the rules of the Wellness Center and compliance with these Rules.

The Health Center Administration is not responsible for underage Visitors under the age of 14, inclusive, left unattended by adult Visitors. The administration is not responsible for the state of health and possible injuries of a minor child, adolescent , if a minor child, adolescent was left unattended by an adult in violation of these Rules or if he violated the rules for visiting the Health Center.

For smoking in places not designated for this, the Visitor bears the responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The employee of the Wellness Center is authorized to take measures against Visitors who are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, as well as against Visitors who do not respond to staff comments and do not comply with these Rules.

The visitor agrees to comply with these Rules and bears full responsibility for their violation in accordance with these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with the rules for visiting the Health Center is the basis for the removal of the Visitor from its territory, without any monetary compensation. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations for the provision of services, the Administration of the Health Center bears responsibility as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Claims related to deficiencies in the services provided may be submitted by the Visitor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The order of actions of visitors in case of emergencies In the event of emergencies - natural disasters, man-made disasters, fires, etc.

Visitors are obliged to strictly follow the commands of the staff of the Wellness Center. After a command from the staff or an alarm transmitted through the warning system, Visitors must vacate, leave the territory of the Wellness Center, changing rooms, bathrooms, etc. Evacuation schemes are located on the territory of the Wellness Center.

When leaving the Wellness Center, Visitors must remain calm, do not run, and do not create crowds in the aisles and stairs. Adults Visitors must ensure that children are safely evacuated. Final provisions These Rules are published on the website, as well as posted on the information stand "Consumer Information Board" and other places on the territory of the Health Center.

Currently the Hotel "Bogatyr" has special hygiene and safety rules. Some services are limited, restricted or not available. Along with the measures in force in Sochi Park, we ask you to pay attention to the following instructions for the Hotel "Bogatyr":.

We ask you to visit the Hotel "Bogatyr" only in good health condition. At the entrance to the hotel the staff will measure the temperature of each guest using contactless thermic imager.

Due to the mask mode, you must wear in all places a mask that covers your mouth and nose. Please note that scarves and shawls are not allowed. We recommend that you bring enough masks with you to visit the hotel and the park, they can also be purchased on site.

The rules for the prevention of coronavirus infection, wearing masks and hygiene rules can be found on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. Please follow the social distancing rule distance - at least 1. A crowd of more than three people is not allowed except for the case of a family. Please use stairs if possible. No more than two people or one family can be in the elevator at the same time. For your safety, we regularly clean and sanitize rooms, public areas and a variety of surfaces, including handrails, elevator buttons, light switches, ATM machines, beverage machines and doorknobs.

The hotel has introduced new standards of staff work. All employees wear protective masks, disposable gloves and comply with hygiene requirements. Dispensers with certified skin sanitizers are placed in the guest and service areas. Indoor air is disinfected daily using ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators. If you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please seek medical advice by notifying hotel staff at or You can sign up for various beauty and relaxation programs at the "Bogatyr" spa center provided by our experienced specialists.

Dear guests, we take great care to ensure the safety of our guests and employees and comply with all recommended measures to prevent the spread of Сovid Please check the additional hotel policies which are in force at the moment.

General provisions 1. Prevention of infectious diseases. Public hygiene. Recommendations for the prevention of new coronavirus infection COVID in institutions engaged in temporary accommodation of visitors hotels and other accommodation facilities. These Rules and recommendations are mandatory for all guests and employees of the Hotel. Obligations of the Guest 2. To live in the room alone or with members of your family. After receiving the mark from the paramedic, proceed to the procedure for checking in at the Hotel.

In case of arrival of the Guest beyond the working hours of the paramedic service, the temperature is measured by an employee of the Department of Reception and Accommodation of Guests and is recorded in the registration card. At the same time, the Guest is given a room key, valid only until am, for the extension of which all guests living in the room must undergo an examination and temperature measurement from a paramedic, get his opinion and contact him at the reception and accommodation counter.

Take food and visit the wellness center at a strictly allotted time by appointment. Fulfill the requirements of the staff of a medical institution or an ambulance team called by the staff of the Hotel in connection with suspicions that the Guest has signs of an infectious disease.

When checking into a room at the reception and accommodation counter, observe a social distance of at least 1. Pay for services not in cash, but in a contactless way. Air the room at least once every 2 hours.

For respiratory protection in public areas of the hotel, it is recommended to use a mask and change it at least once every 3 hours.

Treat hands with an antiseptic. If you feel unwell, fever or other signs of ARVI, immediately notify the Hotel by contacting the reception and accommodation counter or by calling or Obligations of the Hotel 4.

Provide the Guest with conditions of stay at the Hotel in accordance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. Arrange meals for Guests on the territory of the Hotel with the possibility of maintaining social distance and seating at a separate table for members of the same family.

Organize a visit to the wellness center with the possibility of social distance compliance. To provide on the territory of the Hotel the possibility of treating hands with the help of contactless counters with antiseptic agents. No more than 10 people are allowed to be in the indoor pool at the same time, and no more than 50 people in the outdoor pool. No more than 3 people are allowed to be in the gym at the same time. To clean the rooms using disinfectants at least once a day during the entire stay.

Отель Богатырь обзор

Rights of the Hotel 5. The Hotel has the right to refuse the Guest to provide accommodation services unilaterally and to evict the Guest from the Hotel in cases of violation of these Rules or taking actions omissions that threaten the safety of life and health of other Guests and employees of the Hotel. In case of these violations, the representatives of the Hotel together with the Guest shall draw up an Act on rules violations.

Responsibility 6. If a decision is made to check out the Guest, the latter is obliged to leave the Hotel within 3 three hours from the moment of drawing up the Act on fixing violations. If the Guest does not independently leave the Hotel or refuses to follow the recommendations of the ambulance team about the need to undergo examination or hospitalization in an inpatient medical institution, the Hotel has the right to start the process of forced eviction, including with the involvement of law enforcement officers.

Refusal to leave voluntarily or undergo voluntarily a medical examination for signs of an infectious disease in a medical hospital, is regarded by the Parties as a refusal of the Guest from services, as a result of which the Hotel has the right to withhold funds for the remaining period of stay as compensation for expenses actually incurred to the Hotel.

Rules of stay in the hotel and use of the hotel services 1. Citizens of the Russian Federation present to the Hotel the following identity documents: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation; passport of a citizen of the USSR, which certifies the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, until it is replaced within the prescribed period with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; passport, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation - for persons permanently residing outside the Russian Federation; birth certificate - for a person under the age of Foreign citizens present a migration card, visa and one of the following identity documents: passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen; a document issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a stateless person; a temporary residence permit for a stateless person; residence permit of a stateless person.

The hotel applies the following types of booking: guaranteed booking - a type of booking in which the Hotel expects the consumer before the checkout time of the day following the day of the scheduled arrival. In case of untimely cancellation of the reservation, late or no-show of the consumer, he or the customer is charged for the actual idle room space in the room , but not more than a day.

If you are more than a day late, the guaranteed reservation will be canceled; non-guaranteed booking - a type of booking in which the Hotel expects the consumer until 4 pm on the day of arrival, after which the booking is canceled. In case of early departure of the Guest, the refund is made in the following order: for valid reasons serious illness, death of close relatives, recall from the place of work due to official necessity, natural disasters and catastrophes with the provision of copies of documents to the Hotel confirming the occurrence of these circumstances The Hotel undertakes to return to the Guest the money received for the services, minus the actual expenses incurred by the Hotel; if the early departure of the Guest is not justified by good reasons, the funds are returned to the Guest in accordance with the cancellation conditions specified in the booking confirmation.

It is prohibited on the territory of the Hotel: independent use of elevators, by children under the age of 12 without an adult; finding children under the age of 12, unaccompanied by adults, in the guest areas of the Hotel, on staircases and marches; visiting by children under 12 years old unaccompanied by adults restaurants and other catering outlets.

Parents persons substituting for them , officials take measures to prevent being in public places unaccompanied by parents persons substituting them , relatives or responsible persons: minors under the age of 7 seven years - around the clock; minors aged 7 seven to 14 fourteen years - from to ; minors between the ages of 14 fourteen years and reaching their full birthday - from to The amount of damage is determined according to the accounting data on the day the damage was discovered.

At the moment of detection of damage, an appropriate act is drawn up with the participation of the Guest and representatives of the Hotel; do not disturb other guests staying at the Hotel, observe the silence and order in the room, public order at the Hotel; in accordance with the established procedure, register visitors who remained in the room after , as well as pay for their stay in the room, according to the current rates for accommodation.

In this case, the guest is fully responsible for his visitors; not to create conditions and prevent accidents of power grids, water and heat supply networks and other technical, engineering systems and equipment of the Hotel; upon detection of an infectious disease or suspicion of such an infectious disease in the Guest, immediately vacate the Hotel room Article 33 of the Federal Law No.

The minimum deposit amount is five thousand rubles; when leaving the room, close the water taps, windows, turn off the lights, TV and other electrical appliances, close the room; when leaving the Hotel, make a full payment for the paid services provided to it, notify the Receptionist of the reception and accommodation department of the Guests about your departure and hand over the key; after the expiration of the paid period of residence - vacate the room; in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law of Otherwise, the Hotel is released from responsibility for the non-safety of things; the guest has the right to receive quality services of the Hotel.

Services — Sochi Park® Hotel Bogatyr

The guest is prohibited from: transfer the room key to unauthorized persons; store bulky items, flammable materials, weapons, chemical, radioactive and explosive substances, mercury; openly carry any types of civilian, service, military weapons available to the Guests of the Hotel, including in the performance of their official duties, as well as special equipment. Guests who, by the nature of their activity, have the right to carry and store weapons, are obliged, at the request of the Hotel administration, to provide documents certifying this right; store and not authorized to use pyrotechnic products; use electric heating devices; visit food outlets and other public areas in bathing suits, robes; smoke in the public areas of the Hotel including, but not limited to, in the hotel room, in the corridors of the Hotel, in the public areas of the Hotel.

Fire safety rules 1. A closed and well sealed door can protect you from dangerous temperatures for a long time. To avoid smoke poisoning, cover crevices and vents with water-dampened towels and bedding.

Booking — Sochi Park® Hotel Bogatyr

Hanging a blanket, sheet, or bedspread outside is a common term for a call for help. If smoke enters the room from the street, close the window, leaving a sheet hanging outside, stand near the window; try to inform the administration about your location by phone; upon arrival at the scene of the firefighters you should go to the window and give them a sign to help you.

You can wait out the fire on the balcony or in the loggia, while you must close the balcony door behind you. Rules for visiting the beach 1. Rules for visiting the Health Center 1. Wellness Center opening hours: hydrothermal complex and gym daily to ; outdoor pool daily from May to October from to ; gym from to Hygiene and safety rules Currently the Hotel "Bogatyr" has special hygiene and safety rules.

Along with the measures in force in Sochi Park, we ask you to pay attention to the following instructions for the Hotel "Bogatyr": Health We ask you to visit the Hotel "Bogatyr" only in good health condition. Facial masks Due to the mask mode, you must wear in all places a mask that covers your mouth and nose.

Distance Please follow the social distancing rule distance - at least 1. Elevators Please use stairs if possible. Hygiene For your safety: When paying, we recommend not to use paper money and make your choice in favor of contactless payment methods.

Wash your hands thoroughly and use hand sanitizers. Please do this regularly. We ask you to follow sneezing and coughing etiquette. Security measures at the Hotel "Bogatyr" Regular disinfection For your safety, we regularly clean and sanitize rooms, public areas and a variety of surfaces, including handrails, elevator buttons, light switches, ATM machines, beverage machines and doorknobs.

Staff The hotel has introduced new standards of staff work. Hands hygiene Dispensers with certified skin sanitizers are placed in the guest and service areas. Disinfection Indoor air is disinfected daily using ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators. Rules to stop the spread and to prevent coronavirus infection COVID Dear guests, we take great care to ensure the safety of our guests and employees and comply with all recommended measures to prevent the spread of Сovid We thank you for your understanding and compliance with the Rules.

We wish you to have a pleasant stay!

⛔Почему мы сбежали из Сочи через год. Прощай, Сочи

In the menu — all kinds of curds, yogurts, muesli, juices, cereals, air croissants, pancakes, waffles, desserts, fresh fruits, scrambled eggs, omelets, cheese and meat cuts. Special conditions for visiting Sochi Park.

One of the main privileges for "Bogatyr" hotel guests — free visit to the first theme park of the country. Special conditions for visiting the Medvediya entertainment center. Funny relay races, interactive quests, incendiary dances, creative workshops, developing tasks are held under the supervision of experienced educators.

Here the young guests of "Bogatyr" can pass the time before the opening of Sochi Park. It is equipped with the necessary equipment for high-grade strength or cardio training.

Парк-отель Богатырь , Сочи

Outdoor swimming pool. The outdoor pool is located in the backyard of the Bogatyr Hotel.