Ghazala beach hotel

Ghazala beach hotel

Rooms Room service. The best thing is the beach. Ghazala Beach Hotel. Dates gave firm, ripening waited for several days. Da Franco Пицца

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are available from 10 am. There is alcohol in a cafe near the main restaurant, but one bartender poured vodka heavily diluted with water. The next day, the guy was already working as a dirty dishes collector in a restaurant.

There is a heated swimming pool on the territory of the Gardens Beach hotel. Everything would have been 10 points if not for the food. My husband and I did not gain weight and did not lose weight. Of the fruits, you could only eat chopped oranges or tangerines. Dates gave firm, ripening waited for several days. Salty cottage cheese. Whoever agrees to eat rice or pasta pasta daily with sausages for breakfast or stewed strips of chicken and beef for lunch and dinner, eat baked mackerel or putas filet - he will be satisfied.

From vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, pickled daikon, carrots and hot peppers. If you can get it. The line grabs vegetables, and the next plate will be brought in 15 minutes. There is nothing to water the vegetables with, only vinegar. Everything is dietary: no fried, fatty. Soup is called: from pasta. Sometimes zucchini cubes are added to the soup. Potatoes are a big problem. Lunch or dinner - tea or coffee in a nearby cafe.

Very tasty bread and buns. Crispy crust, always fresh. Amber type cheese, not hard. When pizza is sprinkled with such cheese in an a la Italian restaurant, it does not stretch, it is not tasty.

You should not waste time on a la carte, you will still come to a regular restaurant to eat. Who wanted to swim in the sea, relax near the beautiful pool and drink beer - the hotel is what you need! From the pros - the sea and locally.

I must say right away that this is not my first time in this hotel, I rested here exactly a year ago, everything was fine, in fact, the rest was a success at that time. Now everything has changed, completely, my opinion is that if you want a paid excursion to hell, then you should take a closer look at this place. Almost the entire staff has changed, there are no more than a couple of familiar faces. The rooms are also unchanged, the condition is normal, you can live, but they definitely need repairs, and for a long time.

All rooms have some nuances, then the refrigerator does not work, then there is no hot water, it happens only hot, there are no irons, no kettles. Cleaning is practically absent, the floor is not washed, the bed is not changed. If suddenly you were settled on the first floor, then hell you sleep, because they start yelling like crazy from 6.

The entrance doors are old dry, there is no noise from them. All this does not concern you, if suddenly you come from Britain, then you will be accommodated in a good room and you will eat at another restaurant. I have never seen such nasty and vile taste and smell food in my life, at the station they cook the level of God compared to them.

For all comments, suggestions, complaints, they will simply send you to hell, no matter what you do, wherever you write, the result will be exactly ZERO. They will laugh in your face and in your back, turn away and pretend that you do not exist, it is a little more difficult to ignore almost all requests to get a roll of toilet paper, by the way, it is also not always available.

Of course, there are exceptions, there are good people there, for example, a gardener, a security guard at the entrance, one waiter is a normal guy, but all good things dissolve in the madness of the rest.

Every day of your "rest" you will face rudeness and hatred from the staff. There is no ambiguity in these words, if you are from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine - get ready.


I am quite an adequate person, I am for safety, but there is too much. The sunbeds are all old and dead, the towels are 80 percent old too.

«Ghazala Beach Hotel», Египет, Шарм-Эль-Шейх, Наама-Бей

There is depth, and children can play. There are corals and fish. Local location is good, 10 min. Bottom line - money wasted. Great place, terrible food. Pros - chic territory and a good beach. Delicious food in a la carte restaurants. Very classy family rooms with private access to the pool. Swimming pool with sandy beach in the middle of the hotel. Good, helpful guys at the reception. Cool manager in the main restaurant.

The hotel is located 2 minutes walk from Naama Bay, 5 minutes from the sea. Cons - everything is old, the sewerage is terrible.


We were on the second floor, the toilet sorry had to be flushed for 10 minutes. At night, it often stank of excrement throughout the territory maybe the lawns were watered from the sewer or cleaned.

The worst thing about this hotel, as it turned out in Ghazala Beach, is the kitchen in the main restaurant. There is no choice, there is little food half ended in the middle of dinner and was not renewed , the taste is terrible, the view is like they cook for pigs. If you come an hour before the end of dinner - you can not count on fish and meat - maximum lettuce leaves with terrible sausage and cheese.

Service - no, everyone runs only after the Germans who leave tips for them , otherwise you can not wait for drinks in the dining room, you will have to go to the bar and carry it yourself. The staff pesters: you go, everyone will ask where you are from and what is your name, even without hello. Everyone climbs with their own: Oooooo beautiful. On the beach, one waiter told me that I have a cool ass and he gets excited when he sees it, and whether I like it or not, he will continue to look at her.

Every second offers to take a walk, well, or kiss him If not for some people who were very pleasant and nice, the mood would have been spoiled. Animation - not very good. A big team, but they are always some kind of tortured. No drive, no excitement, do not particularly lure people like in other hotels.

Bar on the beach - paid, but you can use - across the road. My mother likes to relax in Ghazala Beach, we wanted Gardens, it will be a little newer, more youthful.

The pros of the hotel are a good room, a beautiful beach, delicious cuisine. The main disadvantage is not friendly staff, they pretended as if we did not exist. We rested in the summer and the lack of ice in the bar upset us a lot. The beach is one for two hotels.

In general, we did not have a bad rest. Good hotel. Wi-Fi is weak. Was in this hotel with friends on August 9 stopped by, settled down quickly, everything is fine. The hotel area is gorgeous, clean, green and all in flowers very beautiful. As for the room, everything is fine, only the refrigerator does not work at all. This is the only downside.

The service at the hotel is good, the Arabs do not bother, on the contrary joke. The beach is clean and cool. Animators - Mario and Veni! They are cool!


I advise you to go to this hotel. Solid 8 out of 10 rating. Questions 7. Does the hotel have free internet? Does the hotel provide ice cream? Is the beach bar free?

Interested in food at this hotel, tk.

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Open map. Mount Sinai Rating 9. Cafe Mince Rating 8. Restaurants, cafes. Location Отель расположен в 12 км от международного аэропорта Шарм-Эль-Шейха. Description of the beach Охраняемый пляж отеля Ghazala Beach через дорогу.

Длина пляжной полосы — м. Хороший песчаный пляж. Хороший сервис. Семейный отдых. Отзывы об отеле Оставить отзыв. Оцените отель:. Ваше имя:. Ваш отзыв:. Оставить отзыв. Размещение 5,0. Питание 3,0. Сервис 3,0. Бюджетная гостиница. Отель очень старый, никогда не ремонтировался. Убитый в хлам. Питание ужасное, голодными конечно не останетесь, но ооочень экономно. Вообще отель экономит на всем. Единственный плюс - это его расположение.

Прямо на первой линии. Пляж шикарный, пологий вход, музыка, водные развлечения. Специальная обувь не нужна. Размещение 1,0. Питание 1,0. Сервис 2,0. Не рекомендую данный отель. Ужасные номера, один хуже другого. Питание отвратительное. Нет анимации. Из плюсов только пляж. Марина Александровна.

Очень хорошее расположение отеля 20 метров до пляжа,домашняя атмосфера,чудесное море. Мы жили в бунгало,не в главном корпусе, номер был просторный,чистый и то что пишут про тесные номера это не правда,очень все там хорошо. Мы остались всем довольны. Показать еще 2 отзыва. Об отеле Расположение: Египет , Шарм-эль-Шейх. ⛱️ Ghazala Beach Hotel 4* Ēģipte, Šarm eš Šeiha

Телефон: - 69 E-mail: ghazala redseahotels. Отель построен в году, последняя реставрация в году. Уютный, небольшой и очень зеленый отель на берегу моря.

Египет - Отели - Ghazala Beach Hotel 4*

Один из первых, построенный в бухте Наама-Бей. Типы питания: полупансион, все включено. Услуги отеля. Бары бар бар у бассейна барбекю главный ресторан итальянский ресторан кондитерская кофейня паб стейк-хаус шашлычная. Водные развлечения аквааэробика аквацентр бананасейлинг виндсерфинг водное поло водные горки водные развлечения дайвинг катер для прогулок наружный бассейн прокат лодок прокат масок серфинг яхт-клуб.

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Дайвинг-центр Голубая лагуна. Район Иль Меркато.